Такой диалог:
‘Oh,’ I said, trying not to sound disappointed. ‘I thought we might spend the afternoon together.”Not this time, I’m afraid,’ she said. ‘If you’re lonely, I believe my room-mate, Brenda, isn’t doing anything this afternoon. She said she thought you were very nice. You might give her a call.”I might,’ I said. I was glad the room was dimly lit. I was sure I was blushing. But I was stung by the callousness of her offer. ‘Do your lovers always go with the apartment?’ I asked.
Тут все понятно, кроме последнего предложения.’Do your lovers always go with the apartment?’ I asked.
Вернее смысл-то понятен, но причем тут “apartment”?Я перевел так. “Твои любовники обычно соглашаются?”.Но слово “apartment” ведь – помещение, квартира, аппартаменты…
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